Starting Early: Preparing systems, employers, families, & youth


Laura Bowman is the Project Manager in charge of Research and Evaluation for Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital’s Employment Pathways. In this role, she works with clinical, community, and policy-based partners to build disability-inclusive employment practices that enable connections between youth with disabilities and the workforce. Her work includes research, program and service evaluation, and knowledge mobilization, and draws from learning health systems, developmental, and occupational science approaches. 

Carolyn McDougall is the Manager of Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital’s Employment Pathways, supporting 60+ high school aged youth with disabilities annually to get critical early work experiences. She is also the Business Liaison for Holland Bloorview’s co-site host role for Project SEARCH Toronto and supports coordination amongst Canada’s Project SEARCH sites. Carolyn's research and community partnership interests relate to: work-based learning, transitions to adulthood, life skills, family involvement and systems coordination.


Dan Samosh is an Assistant Professor in Employment Relation at Queen’s University and Academic Co-Lead of the IDEA Incubator Hub on Transitions to Work and Career Development.

About the IDEA Speaker Series

The IDEA Speaker Series provides an opportunity to hear guest speakers talk about their efforts to create stronger and more diverse labour markets that include persons with disabilities.

Laura and Carolyn headshots