Creating and fostering a workplace culture to drive disability inclusion


Kim Jeffreys (she/her) is the Senior Manager of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at March of Dimes Canada. Kim holds a BA in Public Administration from Toronto Metropolitan University, is a certified workplace metal health leader, mediator, and alternative dispute resolution practitioner. Her expertise includes impact driven strategy execution, cultural humility and responsiveness and workplace equity and belonging. Jeffreys' passion for accessibility is deeply personal, shaped by her lived experience with disability. This unique perspective informs her work, ensuring that accessibility and universal design are woven into the fabric of organizational culture, structure and processes.

W. Francis Fung is the National Manager, Rehabilitation and Clinical Services at March of Dimes Canada. He is a co-lead for stakeholder engagement activities at IDEA and co-lead of IDEA’s Incubator  Hub on  Employment Support Systems. Fung has a master’s in education, community rehabilitation and disability studies from the University of Calgary, and a BSc in psychology from Trent University. He holds a number of designations and certifications related to vocational rehabilitation and evaluation, as well as disability management.


Dan Samosh is an Assistant Professor in Employment Relation at Queen’s University and Academic Co-Lead of the IDEA Incubator Hub on Transitions to Work and Career Development.

About the IDEA Speaker Series

The IDEA Speaker Series provides an opportunity to hear guest speakers talk about their efforts to create stronger and more diverse labour markets that include persons with disabilities.

Headshots of W. Francis Fung and Kim Jefferies