Building inclusive organizations


Mukta Kulkarni is a Professor at the Indian Institute of Management  Bangalore (IIMB). Most of Kulkarni’s research is focused on workplace inclusion of persons with a disability. Kulkarni has been the Mphasis Chair for Digital Accessibility and INclusion at IIMB and has sevved on the National Committeee on Special Abilities of the Confederation of Indian Industry. She has authored reports for The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, and for the Office of the State Commissioner of Karnataka. She serves as an Honorary Advisor for Enable India, one of India’s largest disability livelihoods agencies. She is also a member of the Advisory Committee at Nanagu Shaale, which is building a model for inclusive education in Karnataka.  


W. Francis Fung, Rehabilitation and Clinical Services National Manager ast March of Dimes Canada and Co-lead of Engagement for IDEA.

About the IDEA Speaker Series

The IDEA Speaker Series provides an opportunity to hear guest speakers talk about their efforts to create stronger and more diverse labour markets that include persons with disabilities.

Headshot of Mukta Kulkarni