Disability and Work in Canada (DWC) 2024 Virtual Conference

Join us at the Disability and Work in Canada (DWC) 2024 Virtual Conference. We are building momentum for reducing the barriers to employment for persons with a disability and supporting their full inclusion in Canadian workplaces. The focus of the conference will be on renewing the Pan- Canadian Strategy for Disability and Work. We will also be reviewing progress on the Strategy. 

This consensus-based strategy, developed after extensive consultation, was launched at our 2019 conference. A lot has changed since then and it’s time to look at what we have accomplished together and to identify the priority areas where further work is needed.

  • Conference Dates: November 27 & 28 and December 4 & 5, 2024
  • Time: 12:00-3:30 ET each day

Registration categories and pre-tax amounts

  • Full Conference $175
  • Full Conference Non-Profit/ Union $150
  • Full Conference Student $125

Subsidies are available for persons with disabilities. Please contact info@DWCStrategy.ca for assistance.

Strengthening the Movement for Inclusive Work for All