Trisha Neogi

Research Student

Disruptive Technologies and the Future of Work

Trisha Neogi is a research student in IDEA’s Hub 5, Disruptive Technologies and the Future of Work.

Neogi works at Bright+ Early, an HR consultancy based out of Toronto, ON, on a mission to building inclusive workplaces. She is a modern HR practitioner and compensation designer, dedicated to building progressive and inclusive workplaces across Canada and the US. She applies a modern HR approach to understand how people work and find validation in their roles, by combining her passion for human relations with a data-driven mindset. In addition to her HR work, Neogi is a frequent speaker on designing equitable compensation programs within distributed work models.

Neogi is on a journey of Inclusive Design at OCAD University. Neogi’s research focuses on bridging the AI knowledge gaps to help make the terms and concepts more accessible to non-experts.