Jimin Choi

Postdoctoral Associate

Inclusive Environmental Design

Jimin Choi is a Postdoctoral Associate at the Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access (IDEA Center) in the School of Architecture and Planning at the University at Buffalo. She is part of IDEA's Hub 4, Inclusive Environmental Design under the supervision of Jordana Maisel.

Choi’s work with IDEA includes project execution, including the development and administration of tools and surveys, conducting surveys and interviews, and data analysis.

Choi's research is dedicated to promoting equity and inclusion for underrepresented populations by enhancing access to transportation and creating more inclusive built environments. She has focused on improving transportation options for people with disabilities and has co-authored several papers on topics such as user experiences with wheelchair securement systems and innovative transportation solutions for people with disabilities.

Choi earned her PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from the University at Buffalo and has a Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture from Seoul National University and a Bachelor's degree in Architecture from Yonsei University in Korea.