Angelika Seeschaaf-Veres

Associate Professor, Industrial Design and Graduate Studies, OCAD University

Disruptive Technologies and the Future of Work

Angelika Seeschaaf Veres is an Associate Professor, Industrial Design and Graduate Studies at OCAD University. She is also Co-Director of Radical Norms, a boutique design research consultancy that helps international Fortune 300 companies develop strategies for uncertain futures. She co-leads IDEA’s Hub 5, Disruptive Technologies and the Future of Work.

A designer, educator, researcher and critical future foresight strategist, Seeschaaf Veres’ current research explores the potential and impacts of technologies, particularly around artificial intelligence (AI), on the future of work for profit and not-for-profit organizations. Her work highlights the perpetuation of assumptions and bias and their impact on people living with differences.

Seeschaaf Veres has an MA in product design from the Royal College of Art, a diploma in industrial design from the Berlin University of the Arts, and a BA (Hons) in design products from Ravensbourne University London.

"In an increasingly monolithic and efficiency-driven worldview of technological futures, my work highlights the perpetuation of assumptions and bias and their impact on people living with differences/outliers."