IDEA is a social innovation laboratory; IDEA  stands for Inclusive Design for Employment Access.   Our goal, broadly as an organization, is to create  stronger and more inclusive labor markets that   include persons with disabilities. And a big  part of this is developing evidence-informed   tools and resources through co-design with  partners to help advance employer capacity to   be inclusive. And that's across the employment  cycle, from recruitment to hiring, onboarding,   retention, mentorship, promotion, and also things  like organizational exit. So this initiative is   spearheaded by teams of researchers. community  leaders, global experts, industry leaders, policy   makers, and many others. And many of us involved  in the IDEA team also identify with disability   in one form or another, uh kind of in keeping  with the concept of "nothing about us without   us." Our mission is to help create stronger and  more diverse labor markets that include persons   with disabilities by developing, evaluating, and  sharing evidence- informed, knowledge-to-practice   solutions. Our vision is to see every workplace  in Canada have the capacity to recruit, higher,   onboard, retain, mentor, and promote persons with  disabilities across the full range of employment   opportunities and to see all persons with  disabilities in Canada who can and want to work be   able to find, keep, and flourish and meaningful,  suitable, and good quality work. We value   inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility  in all areas of society, particularly in the labor   market. We value strong and diverse labor markets,  where all persons have equal opportunities in   careers, jobs, and work. We have quite a number  of partners from research, from the disability   community, from labor organizations, industries,  service providers, and government. This is a list   of organizations that partnered with us at  the outset of our initiative, but we have new   organizations joining all the time. It is a space  that is really growing and people are excited   about making change and we are super excited  that people are keen to make change happen,   so we are looking to partner with organizations.  This can only happen if we all work together.